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Bacchus House Wine Bar and Bistro
- (East Bidwell)
Folsom CA -
Bacchus House Wine Bar and Bistro, Folsom CA
The Mythological Roman god of Wine,
Bountiful Harvest, and Festivity Eternal.
Bacchus House is dedicated, centered, and in celebration of the California farmer, and their fresh, organic cultivated treasures, as Mother Nature's gift. With menus that change with the
[+]seasons, you will delight in the indulgence, of presentation, & fine cuisine paired with the best fruit of the vine...
We support and embrace the Northern California community as a whole, with a vision to serve, nurture, delight and inspire, both traditionally and whimsically in the celebration that is Life.
Salude. [-]
American (New) /
Cheese /
Microbrews /
Sandwiches /
Seafood /
Steakhouse /
Steaks /
Wine and Cheese /
Wine Bars /
Wine Tasting
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