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Phoung Trang
San Diego CA -
Phoung Trang, 4170 Convoy Street, San Diego CA, 92111, 858-565-6750
Phuong Trang Restaurant started out in our family kitchen serving traditional Vietnamese family-style dinners for family and friends. Known as com thang, month of meals, we offered three courses of food, which changed daily. The concept became so popular
[+]that we opened a small restaurant in Linda Vista in 1988 to cater to the hundreds of families picking up their daily dinners. In 1992, we opened our current location on Convoy St., offering an extensive menu featuring authentic Vietnamese food. Only the freshest ingredients are used, and quality is never compromised. Most items are served with a generous assortment of fresh vegetables and herbs. Being one of the healthiest foods around, Vietnamese cooking has quickly become popular with guests of all ages. We welcome you to experience our cuisine and hope to see you soon! [-]
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Phoung Trang
San Diego CA -
Phoung Trang, 4170 Convoy Street, San Diego CA, 92111, 858-565-6750
Phuong Trang Restaurant started out in our family kitchen serving traditional Vietnamese family-style dinners for family and friends.
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