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Bambu Asian Cuisine
Roseville CA -
Bambu Asian Cuisine combined generations of experience and talent to offer popular and signature dishes for your enjoyment. Through the combined efforts of traditional master chef's and the fresh perspectives of contemporary chef's, each dish has been created to bring out the best flavors, colors and aroma. With not just
[+]good food in mind, Bambu Asian Cuisine also wanted to provide an environment that would offer guests the most pleasant eating experience. The modern decor uses vibrant colors, cozy booths, magnificent lighting and interesting designs to compliment the exquisite dishes. Bambu Asian Cuisine invites you to sit comfortably and enjoy the food, from the first to the last bite !
"Great food in a modern and friendly setting - the foundation of Bambu Asian Cuisine" [-]
Accepts Android Pay /
Accepts Apple Pay /
Beer & Wine Only /
Catering /
Delivery /
Good for Groups /
Kid Friendly /
Non-Smoking /
Vegan Menu /
Vegetarian Options
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